Rosh Online Wiki

Cutie Boar Capsule[]

  • A store-bought capsule containing a Darkcorps pet. To hatch the capsule, register it with the pet manager. A pet can restore the master's HP or MP, or can pick up loot for its master.

Cutie Boar Capsule

Darkcorps Capsule[]


  • A store-bought capsule containing a Darkcorps pet. To hatch the capsule, register it with the pet manager. A pet can restore the master's HP or MP, or can pick up look for its master.

Darkcorps Capsule

Dragonia Capsule[]

  • Edgar
    A pet capsule earned by completing a quest from the Pet Manager at level 30. To hatch the capsule , register it with the pet manager.A pet can restore the master's HP and MP ,or can pick up look for its master.

Mew the Thief[]

  • A pet that can be purchased from the Pet Manager for 600,000 carats.


A Pet level 1~4 can restore HP/MP when summoned. After level 4 you will need to train pet to pick up 1 of 3 classes. Pet will get a skill at level 4 so the pet will automatically loot.

Pet Advancement

  • Luck - Increase drop rate and critical hit percentages
  • Enchantment - Increase Attack power and Magical Attack Power
  • Support - Can go to town to sell items for you


NOTE: To Hatch the Capsule you need register at Pet Manager in Berneo, Lupinel or Peltrok. Required time to hatch is 5 hours and you must be online during this 5 hours.
